Wednesday, November 3, 2010

To Run Or Not To Run....that is the question

Hi all!  Sorry about the silence...I have had a few posts in draft but just didn't get to posting them!  Hope you all had a great halloween!  We had fun taking the little ones trick or treating....and we are enjoying the fruits of their labor (lol). 

The challenges are going well.....but I still hate them...but that is okay but the end will feel nice.  I think that next we are going to do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred.  I actually want to start it now and still might.

The big news is that I went to the sports med podiatrist.  It was my first time seeing him.  He was GREAT.  He is younger and more personable.  So....apparently I have plantar fascious issues.  He looked at my x-rays and gave me the great news.  Yeah right.  So---I have Plantar Fasciitis which is compounded by my extremely high arch and really short Achilles tendon.  So what now?  I have to take a new rx twice a day (a stronger NSAID)---he took me off of the 800 mg ibuprofen because it really does nothing for me since I have been taking it off and on for years and years and years.  I have to wear this obnoxious looking boot contraption to sleep in and it is adjustable (push a button to make it tighter and tighter and points my foot more towards my head).  Every couple of weeks it will stretch it more but pumping the button on it.  Apparently this is supposed to stretch things.  I also have to get inserts for my shoes, have to get new shoes, and I have to roll a frozen bottle on the bottom of my foot every night....I guess like rolling a tennis ball....but instead a frozen water/coke bottle.  So...if it is still hurting in a month when I go back the next step is the cortisone shot.  I have been preparing to get the shot in my knee so moving this idea to my foot is no big deal. 

I asked him about running.  He said no treadmill running.  I can do some light street running.  Or....I may just stick to the Jillian Michaels thing and allow my foot to heal.  Oh---apparently a main problem with this injury is that when you sleep your foot drops which shortens the fascia and it starts to heel that way since you are at rest. soon as you get up it re-tares/aggravates it.  The doc did a great job explaining everything to me.

So....that's where I am.   I am not going to let this hold me back....just going to have to alter the plans a little bit. are you doing?


GISrunner said...

Wow, I identify with your post in so many ways ... let's see

- plantar fascitis/heel pain - yep, started having enough problem with that in July to prompt a trip to the podiatrist & he also found a heel spur; although trying to run too much/too fast/too soon is probably the underlying cause, I really think cheapo flip-flops made it much worse. The good news is that it's better now thanks to taking it a little easier on the running (well, run:walking) & wearing inserts in my running shoes to cushion my heel a little more.

-struggling my blogging consistently; I still struggle with this & sometimes take long breaks for apparently no real reason at all; still a work in progress

-considered reduction surgery; have always wanted to do that, but don't have the finances for it, so that's not going to happen

Anyway, I wrote all of that just to tell you that I'm glad I found your husband's blog today after he posted on mine. I've now followed both of you & really look forward to your updates.

If you have a chance, I'm at ...

Jen said...

Thanks for posting! I will check your blog out. As far as the reduction....most insurance companies are paying for them these days---I guess they view it as it is cheaper to pay some now than a lot down the line!

Anywho--welcome and thanks for the support!
