Monday, November 8, 2010

Tuesday is BR Day

What is BR ask?  Breast Reduction Day!  Well---it isn't my actual surgery but it is my first step towards getting it done.  I guess that you could say that today was the first step when I went to my primary doc to talk to him about it and also get seen for this pesky cough that I have had for about a month and a half.  Turns out the cough is from all the post nasal drip I have from a stupid sinus infection.  I did talk to him about the BR and he said that I won't have any problems getting it approved....actually what he says is that he is "very confident" that I will have no problems.  That is a positive thing to say.  The way I look at it is that they should pay for it now instead of paying for all the problems I will have in the future.  As soon as I started talking about it with my doc (Dr. D) he knew exactly what I was talking about.  We started talking about exercising and the hindrance(s) that I have with these. It was nice that he knew what I was talking about.  My OB (or GYN at this point, I guess) is the one who referred me to the BD doc and Dr. D is good friends with Dr. O (GYN).  He delivered Dr. D's twins.  I know this because they were in the doc office several times when I was pregnant with Connor....or was it Paige....well one of them!  Actually I think it was Paige. am I feeling now?  Nervous.  I don't really know anyone else who has gone through this so besides the internet research that I have done...that is all I know.  I hear that this doc is very personable.  We will see!!  I will let you know tomorrow how it went....or didn't go.  LOL.  Til then!

1 comment:

Annie said...

OH! So THIS is the surgery you were talking about. Julie has been through it to her.

I may have it done too, but will probably wait until I have kiddos, that is if I do. There is not sense in reduction if they are only going to grow back.