Friday, November 12, 2010

Patience..patience....ugh just give me the answer!

Most of the day I can keep my mind OFF of the decision that the insurance company is going to make regarding my BR.  Other times it pops into my head and makes me so anxious because I WANNA KNOW!   I don't even know if the doctor wrote the letter to send in yet.  Ugh.  Patience...patience Jen.

Other changes are impending.  I am working on some other life changing things relating to my career.  You see...I have a masters degree in forensic studies...concentration law.  I have been working in the human service/social work field for about 13 years now.  I have a passion for law and investigation and I want to be doing that.  I am stagnant where I am now and it is tiresome and draining.  I take those feelings home with me and that is not good.  So...I have contacted some old professors and the career center about getting the ball rolling. I  just need someone to give me a chance in the field so that I can start building my experience up.  James has been helping and has had some great ideas.  Do any of you have any ideas how I can do this?

So...the night before last I started Jillian Michales 30 Day Shred.  It kicked my ass.  On top of that I had to do my challenges.  My legs are still hurting!  Last night I was going to do the shred but my laptop had an unfortunate meeting with the floor so it is in the repair shop.  I am going to do it tonight....stupidly on the same night as my challenges.  Will I ever learn?  I hope to start seeing the results very soon.

So--this weekend will be car shopping for James and prepping for a baby shower...I have to make a cake and do the favors.  I love making cakes...therapeutic of sorts!    What are you doing this weekend?  Whatever it is...I hope you have a good one!

1 comment:

Annie said...

That's awesome you are looking for positions to make use of your forensics degree now! Not really sure of any tips in that domain, other than contacting the HR department for local police and ask about ways you may be able to shadow or network with local crime scene investigators or other related positions. I'm a little ignorant when it comes to understand what all is involved in forensics.