Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Stop and Start...Stop and Start

Stop and Start....Stop and Start.....I do that with a lot of things....this blog included.  Why....I don't know.  Well...maybe for this blog I do....maybe I just feel that what I have to say or what I am doing is just not that interesting.  But....who cares?  Change of mindset....gotta view it as a journal....an avenue to get my thoughts on "paper" and if you care to comment...so be it and I would love to hear from you...but if not...that's okay, too.

What is one reason why you don't commit to doing something?  I have found that mine is that I am afraid that I am going to fail.  Growing up in a household where our failures were harshly penalized and your successes were overlooked....I am afraid of that failure....that feeling that you get when you let not only yourself down...but possibly someone else.  So....I am starting to do things that may seem like little things to people but they are big to me.  I have committed to 2 big races (1/2 marathon in November in AZ and marathon in January in FL).....with the fear that I will let my team/James down by my speed.  Finishing....that is the goal....either with my partners in the races or by myself....whether first or last...that is my goal.  Even if I am in dead last place.....I am still in front of those who dropped out or didn't sign up at all...right?  YES!!!  

So...that's where I am. We just got back from a nice vacation and back into the running groove I go.  Sunday I went out for a nice run on the trail but was battling some sort of chest cold so I took it easy which was easy because I was/am following the Jeff Galloway plan for the marathon.  I am going to go back out again tonight.  His plan says a 30 minute maintenance run...but I will be going for more than that most likely.
This weekend I am taking the kids to the beach with some of my family and I hope to get a nice beach run in.  I really enjoy running along the beach....nothing like natures music of the waves crashing to make a nice relaxing run.

How are you doing?  What is something that holds you back?

Have a great one!
