Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where o' Where did Jen Go?

Hi there good people.  I had it in my head that I would blog each day of my recovery from my surgery.....it didn't happen.  Oops.  So...here is a synopsis.

December 20th---had my surgery (bilateral breast reduction for those who didn't keep up).  He took 700 from one side and 300 from the other.  I went home (courtesy of my husband) and pretty much slept on and off the rest of the day.  I had a hard time sleeping cause of not being able to sleep on my side.

December 21st---1st day post surgery.  Paige was picked up by her father and he dropped her off at school and picked her up from school.  I stayed home alone with Connor.  It was an okay day.  Took a few things for pain and opened some new toys for Connor (courtesty of a family xmas party on the 19th).  The putting together of things repeatedly was a little trying on my sutures but it was okay.

December 22nd--day two post surgery.  This is the last day that I took pain meds.  I took Paige to school and took Connor through the drive thru of McD's for some pancakes.  Then...it was another day on the couch.  I took a nap and my back was really hurting so I e-mailed my plastic surgeon and asked him for a muscle relaxer. He called it into Target and I picked this up after picking Paige up from school.  I didn't end up needing to take it...but it was nice to have just incase.

December 23rd and 24th--James was home so he took care of the kids. Well---mostly Connor cause Paige went with her father the evening of the 23rd and wasn't seen again til xmas day.

December 25th---we flew out to Oklahoma for a week. I took an 800 mg Ibuprofen just because since I was dealing with the kids, etc...

December 26th---I couldn't stand it anymore.....I took the gauze off.  Oh boy.   I had to sit on the floor of the bathroom for a good 10 minutes cause I thought that I was going to pass out.  I don't know why I felt like this....I hadn't even seen them yet!  LOL.  Boy did it feel good not having all that padding...and it was a lot.

So---the week went on.  No pain meds except for some ibuprofen here and there.  The doc called and checked on me a few times (since my check up in office was supossed to be that week).  I had some discharge from the suture site but apparently it was nothing to worry about.  Parts of the incision are still tender and certain ways that I move are still a little painful.  But.......it was great.  I had my checkup and it was good.....except for some stitches being removed.  I am clear for guarded exercise.  I go back in 5 weeks.

Well---since I started writing this post...a week or so ago the above paragraph changed a bit.  I had to go back and see the dr last Friday because part of my incision popped open....you see I have a horizontal incision and two vertical incisions (one each breast)...well where the horizontal meets the vertical there is a lot of tension there.  So....it popped open and was oozing stuff...fun!  I emailed the doc and he told me to come in and get it checked out.  All is okay---just have to be more careful with some movements.

I have gotten one run/walk in.  I am not sure how far I went.  I walked and ran on the treadmill in the house for 1 1/2 hours.  Then....the crud came on courtesy of the little germ carriers.  Oh well!

Anyway---there is a synopsis about what has been going on.  Please feel free to ask me any questions about my surgery/recovery.  I know that some of you are considering the process.  I would be glad to talk to you about it!



James said...

I'm still proud of you, even if I didn't agree that 1.5 hours as your first exercise after both plantar fasciitis and breast reduction was a smart thing. :) You better play it smart so you don't injure yourself again!!

GISrunner said...

Thanks for the update & so glad to hear that you're doing well. I asked James in his blog last week how you were doing. Take it easy & don't overdo it ... no need to pop the incision again! Here's to a continued speedy recovery!

Annie said...

You are a real trooper when it comes to pain! Spending that week with you post surgery, I didn't hear you complain once. I almost forgot at times that you were still in recovery : ).

Good to see you got your blog back up and going. I was checking it regularly there for a while, but saw no updates so stopped. I'll try to keep up with it once in a while. Love, A