Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Antibiotics....don't know what's worse taking them or not!

Hi all.  Sorry I didn't update.  Kept meaning to....but didn't.  So...here I sit at the end of a VERY busy work day.  It is quiet now..thank goodness.  I took another dose of my lovely antibiotic a little bit ago....in between bathroom visits.  Ugh...stupid stomach or whatever.  I have been hit full force by the side effects of diarhea, nausea, and tiredness.  I haven't even had a bite to eat today...and a co worker brought me in some yummy looking chicken and dumplings...but I can't bring myself to eat it.  Fun times.

So--cleaning is coming along. The hallway bathroom is pretty much done.  The bedroom is a work in progress.  I got A LOT of stuff out of there and still have some more to get out of there.  Loaded bags upon bags into my car and took them to a local apartment dumpster (shhh don't tell).  I started working on the hallway last night.  I find that if I work too long on one room it feels more daunting...like to go from working on the big room to the little rooms such as the bathroom and hall and then going back to the big room.  Feels like something is getting down...however slowly.  I am hoping to get some more done tonight..but I am feeling like crap...so I will most likely work as long as I can get the kiddos to stay in the bath and then a little more.

Anyway...how is your week going?  Oh--have to give props to the hubby who ran 16 miles on Sunday in preparation of his marathon in March. Way to go, babe!


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