Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Never to Late to Start

Welcome to my new and improved blog (take 2).  I wrote this long post yesterday and hit save….but it didn’t save!  Ugh.  Oh well…..there is always another chance to do again!

I said new and improved because I have had a blog in the past but I didn’t stick with it and want to start new with a new focus…so here I am.  This blog is a journal of sorts in my journey to get fit.  I hope that as it starts out as a journal that it can become a place where great conversations can happen. 

So…here we go!  Back in the spring I was all gung-ho.  I restricted my diet…I drank pretty much only water….and I was always moving.  As a result….I lost 25 lbs.  Well, vacation came and a family emergency happened which required travel and my focus on improving my health went by the weigh side and here I am a few pounds up (didn’t gain it all back thank goodness) and unhappy with how I feel physically.

My husband has been a running fool….well….sort of.  He has had oodles and oodles of set backs but the difference is that he jumps right back into it.  He also got us involved in 3 challenges.  Each challenge is 6 weeks.  They are to get to 200 sit ups, 100 push ups, and 200 squats.  I am on my third week of doing this.  I like doing it….well….let me change it to I like doing MOST of it.  The push ups are okay, the squats are great, but the sit-ups….I HATE THEM!  If there was a stronger word than HATE….I would use them.  See, there is another problem.  I have a large upper area if you catch my drift.  I really want to get a reduction (cause they don’t go away when I lose weight)….and I am researching how to do this.  Anywho---we do these challenges (all three)…three times a week.  They consist of 4 sets of each and then you do the maximum that you can do.

On Saturday, James ran the Army 10 miler and I walked around the Pentagon grounds with Connor (our 2 ½ year old….we also have a 5 ½ year old little girl).  I walked around and stood at the finish line for an hour and a half or so watching the runners come in and the thought would pop into my head that I would like to run this race.  Then….the other side would pop into my head…10 MILES ARE YOU CRAZY?  As I was driving down 95 to the DC metro that morning I saw a sign that said 7 miles to the 495/95 split and I purposely made myself pay attention at how LONG that 7 miles was.  IT WAS LONG!  What am I thinking about adding 3 more to that?  I know with lots (okay LOTS) of encouragement and focus that I will be able to do it…but right now it feels daunting. 

I should have stated first that I injured my foot….the ligament on the bottom of my foot to be exact.  I am not doing any running until I see the podiatrist (sports medicine podiatrist) next week.  I fully believe that the issue came about because of my running shoes.  So…I will wait and find out and stick to my 3 challenges.  That….and change my mindset….and redo my thoughts about food.  Taking everything away and not allowing anything is not the right way to do it.  Allowing yourself to taste the things you love but not to over indulge yourself in those things is the right way.  For example, I love my iced caramel machiatos from Starbucks (nonfat)….right now this mornings (5 hours ago) is sitting in front of me.  I still have about half left.  In front of the cup are two water bottles.  When I think…ooh I am thirsty and want some coffee….I have to pass those waterbottles.  Nine times out of ten I will grab those water bottles. 

This time…I am going to make daily goals until I get my mindset to where I can make a weekly goal and a monthly goal…etc. 

Todays goal:  research and contact a doctor about breast reduction. 

Done---appt is set for November 9th.


Syl said...

it's great that your husband likes to run it's always nice to have someone there with you.
Looking forward to following your journey.
Your question on Jillian - I love to hate her ;-). But in all seriousness she has a great line of workout DVD's out there - my favorite being the shred. It's 20 minutes a day for 30 days and your body really does change....give it a try, it's well worth the work!

James said...

Welcome back to blogging! Are you serious about running the Army 10 Miler next year? You know I'll hold you to it! Good luck in achieving your goals. Soon enough, we're going to be one fit family!

Unknown said...

Welcome to the blog world! :)

Come on out and run at Fleet Feet!

The Fat Chick said...

Welcome (back) to the weight loss community. If you use it to its fullest it will help you immensely. I am following you now and look forward to encouraging you on your journey. Oh BTW a stronger word for hate might be abhor, loathe, despise. :) Because I feel the same way about pushups/pullups/lunges as you feel about situps. :)
XO Kristen

Jen said...

@Kristen---LOL....and thank you because I could use all the encouragement that I can get!

@Kim...James wants me to but I think that I am not fast/good enough, yet. Don't want to hold anyone back.

Bettina said...

Way to go, Jen! A friend of mine wore a sports bra and workout pants and every few months she'd take a photo, in the same position and same outfit so she could see the results. As time went on, we could see her abs and arms defining. Good luck! - Bettina

Anonymous said...

when you go to see about the reduction, ask if that is really what you need....my cousin went to the doc for a reduction and ended up basically needing a lift (they took out all the extra fat & then lefted them). I guess like lipo & a lift, which I thought would have been considered a reduction, but with the reduction I guess they take out part of the muscle or something & they just took out fat & then adjusted the skin.....it cost her about $3000 less than a reduction! Just a suggestion! Keela (I couldn't remember my login)

Jen said...

LOL...thanks Keela. Trust me...I need a reduction. It should be covered by the insurance...I am going to find out how to get it approved from the Dr. A lift is more cosmetic and a reduction if more for health reasons.

Anonymous said...

hers were bothering her & giving her back issues, but after 2 years of trying to get a reduction approved (had to have so many chiropractor visits & so many different doctor notes) 7 going through the whole rig-a-ma-role, she decided to pay for it herself, & it ended up being less than planned because of how the doctor was able to do it...she had to buy special bras & such beforehand (she was like a DDD or E), now can buy normal bras!! she was ecstatic & very happy with results!