Friday, December 3, 2010

Say it ain't so....and I got....

Say it ain't so folks...I AM SICK.  Yesterday throughout the day I was feeling worse and worse and worse and then I made the decision...yup...I am sick.  So sick that I knew that I needed meds.  Off to Walmart I went with Connor in toe to get some nyquil and dayquil.  I rested and went off to dream land courtesy of nyquil.  I woke up GROSS!  As soon as the doctors office opened, I called.  I went it at 12:15  and came out with the diagnosis of bronchitis.  Ugh.

Well....the doctor is choosing to be aggressive with the treatment of this one because I GOT APPROVED FOR THE BR!  So--on the 20th I will be under the knife.  I cannot go into this coughing!

So---working the rest of the day with this horrible cough and a fever and congestion and then off to Target I go to pick up my prescription. 

Happy weekend!

1 comment:

GISrunner said...

Oh, so sorry to hear that you're under the weather, but what good news about the BR! Woo-hoo! Congrats!

Feel better soon.