Thursday, October 13, 2011

13 Point What?

Hi all!  It's been a long time...too long!  Hope everyone is doing well.  I was going to start a whole new blog about my new goal of 1/2 marathon next year...but then realized that I could just change the name.  Here is the first posting I wrote on the new blog (which has since been

13 point what?

Yup....13 point what?!?!?  Oh boy.  3/4 of me is excited and 1/4 of me is like holy s#$& what am I getting myself into. did this start?  It started by going to the Army 10 Miler packet pickup and expo this past Saturday.  I am always excited about going to packet pick ups because there are fun goodies and cute workout attire.  I was looking forward to going to the Womens Running Magazine table because I always seem to have nice conversations there that kind of gives me food for the free magazine doesn't hurt!  Ha!  So...there I was in the very far corner of the expo at the Womens Running Mag table...and the lady hands me a save the date card.  The first one I see is the 1/2 marathon for next November in Arizona.  I believe the lady told me that it is going to be in Phoenix..although it is not written anywhere.  I remember getting a little excited thinking I could run with my sister in law (Hi Annie).  I am not sure what happened from there....whether I mentioned running it or whether my husband did but it stuck in my head to run this one.  We called Annie on the way home from the expo and left a message informing her that she WILL be running the 1/2 on November 4, 2012 in Phoenix.

Now...where's my head?  I am over all excited.  Annie has committed to running a 1/2 with me next year (which will be the one in Phoenix unless she moves) and my other sister in law (Hi Julie) might be running with us, too.  Would be cool to have all the Butler girls out there running.  All of us are new so we can keep each other company at the back of the pack.

I have dabbled (I say this very loosely) in running in the past...having ran a 5k back in June.  Since it got hot I haven't ran because I hate the hot....but I didn't just sit and do nothing.  I have been going to zumba 2x a week which I love and is a good cardio workout.  Now...I need to work running in.  It seems that all the training programs are short so I may be brave and figure out one for myself.  I/we have just over a year to train so I don't really want to follow a 12/15 training program because I am more apt to hurt myself.

I am also wanting new attire.  I know...may sound stupid to you...but that's okay.  I want to feel fun and not just wear the same black shorts/monotone shirts/regular socks/regular shoes.  So...while I am going to stick with my mizuno shoes....I am going to find some fun clothing.  I am hoping to start with a simple thing like socks.  Who knew that the compression socks were so expensive and they are the ones that are longer and will stay up while running.  Hopefully I will find a pair or two on clearance somewhere.  I also may want to get a running skirt (I know..I know James...I said I would never get one).  I like the idea that they have the little spandex short underneath.  James thinks I should get a tutu---always a possibility.  My newest thought and one that may go with is getting regular white compression socks (which are cheaper) and tye dye them!  Might also do the same thing to a tech shirt and see how that comes out.

Anywho...first post...a long rambling of thoughts regarding the race...I am excited!  Til tomorrow!


1 comment:

James said...

Good luck I'm not sure how tye dying the tech material will go.