Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Antibiotics....don't know what's worse taking them or not!

Hi all.  Sorry I didn't update.  Kept meaning to....but didn't.  So...here I sit at the end of a VERY busy work day.  It is quiet now..thank goodness.  I took another dose of my lovely antibiotic a little bit ago....in between bathroom visits.  Ugh...stupid stomach or whatever.  I have been hit full force by the side effects of diarhea, nausea, and tiredness.  I haven't even had a bite to eat today...and a co worker brought me in some yummy looking chicken and dumplings...but I can't bring myself to eat it.  Fun times.

So--cleaning is coming along. The hallway bathroom is pretty much done.  The bedroom is a work in progress.  I got A LOT of stuff out of there and still have some more to get out of there.  Loaded bags upon bags into my car and took them to a local apartment dumpster (shhh don't tell).  I started working on the hallway last night.  I find that if I work too long on one room it feels more daunting...like to go from working on the big room to the little rooms such as the bathroom and hall and then going back to the big room.  Feels like something is getting down...however slowly.  I am hoping to get some more done tonight..but I am feeling like crap...so I will most likely work as long as I can get the kiddos to stay in the bath and then a little more.

Anyway...how is your week going?  Oh--have to give props to the hubby who ran 16 miles on Sunday in preparation of his marathon in March. Way to go, babe!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Progress Check List:

Hi again.  I am going to make a check list for the posting below and update it according to how I am doing...helps me see that I am making progress:

     -get all clothing that needs to be washed out of there
     -throw everything away and put everything else in its proper place

Hallway Bathroom.....
     -get all clothes/towels out of there
     -throw away trash

Kids Rooms
     -pick up and throw away trash (not going through clothes right now to pull out stuff)

     -go through and get rid of plates/pots/pan/glasses that we don't need
     -clean out refrig
     -clean out food cabinet

Dining Room
     -get rid of Boyds Bears     DONE
     -pick up and clean up

Foyer Bathroom
     -fix toilet

     -Do while I am cleaning

Will update soon!  Peace and happy cleaning.

Fit isn't just physically fit....

So....fit isn't just physically fit.  It is mentally fit....and many more "fits" as well.  I have a problem....and my husband can concur (and probably will)...I go gung-ho for what I want....but with something that takes awhile I go so gung ho that I either give up or I hurt myself.  This comes to job hunting, cleaning, running, and a lot of other things.  Well....I am on a slow start with my running because of the infection that I now have.....so I have to take that and focus it on somewhere else.  I am blogging about it so that it keeps me more motivated....and I have to live up to my written word.  So...here it is.  I am a pack rat....I buy stupid stuff thinking that it is good because it is cheap and be cause we "really need it".  Yeah....not so much.  Our house looks like stores threw up  in it.  I say stores cause it is not just target, walmart, etc....it is many stores....stuff still in the bags....stuff out of the bags....bags laying around....STUFF.  So.....I made a first step.  I had probably over 100 Boyds Bears figurines and as much as I loved them they didn't get the proper respect they deserved.  They were in their boxes for years and years and years....never seeing the light of day.  So----I freecycled them.  They should be gone by the time I get home.  Next.....bedroom.  My plan (after getting oodles of black trash bags) is to pile all the clothes/blankets on the bed and literally throw everything else away (besides some things that are needed like my glasses..lol).  Me, a can of coke, some music/movie playing, and a bunch of bags.  That is going to be my night.....and it may be a late night cause I have been thinking about doing this for some time and after some discussion with James, I am going to do it.  Then....move out to the hallway/bathroom/kids rooms.  I will update tomorrow with progress and give my new goal.  What's the big goal you have to accomplish?  How do you keep your motivation?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Breathing....it's overrated

In the morning I feel....oh my cold crud is getting better.  As the minutes and hours pass by one symptom after another comes back.  So....here I sit breathing through one side of my nose, coughing, and wishing I could curl up and go to bed.  Geez!!!  Calgon take me away!

So---I had to e-mail the plastic surgeon today, too.  If I didn't think that I would gross people out I would put a picture up of the part of my incision that decided it was going to pop open and ooze some fun colored stuff!  Grossed out yet?  Imagine having that happen to you!  LOL.  So...I took pictures of the area in question today and e-mailed it to Dr. Schreiber.  He was great about it and calmed my fears but to be on the safe side he is calling me in a prescription for an antibiotic.  He said that it can take 6-8 more weeks....and it won't look any better for awhile since it heals from the inside out.  FUN TIMES!

We ended up finally finding another home for one of our dogs...Fala.  She was 1 1/2 years old and had soooooooooo much energy. She needed room that she could run around off leash and we couldn't provide that for her. The kids weren't that into her, either. They are pretty subdued kids and Fala needed energetic kiddos.  Paige and Connor are super attached with the older dog (toy poodle) Colby.

Off to find some tissues. So.....what's the one symptom that you can't stand when you are sick?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where o' Where did Jen Go?

Hi there good people.  I had it in my head that I would blog each day of my recovery from my surgery.....it didn't happen.  Oops.  So...here is a synopsis.

December 20th---had my surgery (bilateral breast reduction for those who didn't keep up).  He took 700 from one side and 300 from the other.  I went home (courtesy of my husband) and pretty much slept on and off the rest of the day.  I had a hard time sleeping cause of not being able to sleep on my side.

December 21st---1st day post surgery.  Paige was picked up by her father and he dropped her off at school and picked her up from school.  I stayed home alone with Connor.  It was an okay day.  Took a few things for pain and opened some new toys for Connor (courtesty of a family xmas party on the 19th).  The putting together of things repeatedly was a little trying on my sutures but it was okay.

December 22nd--day two post surgery.  This is the last day that I took pain meds.  I took Paige to school and took Connor through the drive thru of McD's for some pancakes.  Then...it was another day on the couch.  I took a nap and my back was really hurting so I e-mailed my plastic surgeon and asked him for a muscle relaxer. He called it into Target and I picked this up after picking Paige up from school.  I didn't end up needing to take it...but it was nice to have just incase.

December 23rd and 24th--James was home so he took care of the kids. Well---mostly Connor cause Paige went with her father the evening of the 23rd and wasn't seen again til xmas day.

December 25th---we flew out to Oklahoma for a week. I took an 800 mg Ibuprofen just because since I was dealing with the kids, etc...

December 26th---I couldn't stand it anymore.....I took the gauze off.  Oh boy.   I had to sit on the floor of the bathroom for a good 10 minutes cause I thought that I was going to pass out.  I don't know why I felt like this....I hadn't even seen them yet!  LOL.  Boy did it feel good not having all that padding...and it was a lot.

So---the week went on.  No pain meds except for some ibuprofen here and there.  The doc called and checked on me a few times (since my check up in office was supossed to be that week).  I had some discharge from the suture site but apparently it was nothing to worry about.  Parts of the incision are still tender and certain ways that I move are still a little painful.  But.......it was great.  I had my checkup and it was good.....except for some stitches being removed.  I am clear for guarded exercise.  I go back in 5 weeks.

Well---since I started writing this post...a week or so ago the above paragraph changed a bit.  I had to go back and see the dr last Friday because part of my incision popped open....you see I have a horizontal incision and two vertical incisions (one each breast)...well where the horizontal meets the vertical there is a lot of tension there.  So....it popped open and was oozing stuff...fun!  I emailed the doc and he told me to come in and get it checked out.  All is okay---just have to be more careful with some movements.

I have gotten one run/walk in.  I am not sure how far I went.  I walked and ran on the treadmill in the house for 1 1/2 hours.  Then....the crud came on courtesy of the little germ carriers.  Oh well!

Anyway---there is a synopsis about what has been going on.  Please feel free to ask me any questions about my surgery/recovery.  I know that some of you are considering the process.  I would be glad to talk to you about it!
